Is there a way to call the send_reply method of the route from either Java or csharp? As I have been having issues with the app_java, I have been looking at app_mono and it seems to have better access to the variables, etc. However, the SR.core.ModF only seems to take methods that do not take parameters.
Or for that matter, is there a way to return something back to the route in the config file which it can use to call send_reply? I have a strange requirement to return 202 rather than 200 from subscription requests and a 603 if it fails.
Tom | Senior Software Engineer O: 703-543-2118 | F: 703-543-2099 5870 Trinity Parkway, Suite 600, Centreville, VA 20120 [cid:image001.png@01CE18AF.8F231EB0]