Try using|||dbg_pv_dump |from the kamailio debugger module. The output should also include your avp.
Alternatively, you could use interactive debugging with kamcmd: "kamcmd> dbg.bp eval 3016 $avp(myvar)" as described in the above module. To do this you need to "kamcmd> dbg.bp on" to set breakpoints in the kamailio procs, followed by "dbg.ls", "dbg.next", "dbg.eval" as the Usage example shows. You _must_ enter the kamcmd shell for "dbg.eval" to work; for me, it didn't worked otherwise(i.e. when trying non-interactively).
Alternatively, you could set the "breakpoint(1)" module param to enable line by line breakpoints or use "dbg_breakpoint(1)" function in .cfg file, though the latter didn't work for me and I belive is not yet implemented. (as w_dbg_breakpoint function says).
Regards, Stefan
On 25.04.2015 19:04, Filip Malenka wrote:
Hi all,
I am adding the modparam("rtpproxy", "ice_candidate_priority_avp", "$avp(ice_priority)") to my kamailio.cfg and I would like to know, what this "$avp(ice_priority)" returns, either 1, or 2 or anything else..