Now, i have only qnd i don't know how to modify the requested How can i proceed ?? -the mysql version is 4.0.17-
Firstly, i renamed in, in this way the " bad config file" no longer appeared but i couldn't register (although users were in the subscriber table and passwd, usernames and realm were right) ... I don't thnk that this "rename method" is quite relevant...
I've heard about "ld problems" with Solaris and i'm not a Solaris-expert, if someone who has had installed ser with mysql support on a solaris 8 could help me, it would be great...
thx Laurent
Arnd Vehling wrote:
i had the same prob with the mysql binary distri for i386 linux.
I just downloaded and compiled the according source which builds the required shared libs and installed them.
-- Arnd