try to look for kamctl (usually in /sbin).
Kind Regards, Jan
On Tuesday, October 12, 2010 10:03:09 Meftah Tayeb wrote:
so how do i control ser?
Le 09/10/2010 15:56, Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul a écrit :
On Oct 09, 2010 at 13:00, Meftah Tayebtayeb.meftah@gmail.com wrote:
hi all, i have error installing ser in centOs 5.5 i am not getting serctl and serdbctl, only sercmd and ser any idea is welcome
serctl is not in the same repository anymore (it's still on cvs): http://cvs.berlios.de/viewvc/ser/serctl/
You can get a tarball from http://ftp.iptel.org/pub/serctl/daily-snapshots/ (just get the latest, it works with sip-router ser part too, that's what I use too for the db stuff).
I'll try to package a ser 3.1 version sometime next week (it would be basically the 3.1 branch, meaning that it will be identical
with sr 3.1 and kamailio 3.1, besides some minor compilation options, different name and default config files).