Finally i've discovered the problem with CDRTool and successfully put it working (problems in the configuration). Thanks to all who helped me. Now i have a problem inside CDRTool - when i choose the menu sessions it gives me this error:
OpenSER (MediaProxy 2.x)Error connecting to Connection timed out (110)
The problem is that i'm not using Mediaproxy 2.x, i'm using mediaproxy 1.9.1. Can anyone tell me if the CDRTool 6.6.10 is compatible with mediaproxy 1.9.x. If it is compatible with 1.9.x how can i change the configuration so that CDRT can connect to mediaproxy?
Thanks in advance.
2008/10/21 Jerome Martin
On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 16:34 +0100, Nuno Marques wrote:
Ok... i've checked and altered the hostname. But i still got the same problem. Can you tell me if cdradmin needs permissions to access openser database ? Sorry for this basic questions...
Again, all this is explained in great details in the README file I pointed you to...
2008/10/21 Jerome Martin
In the default config files, sipdb is the hostname of the DB server. The default DB name is cdrtool. It seems you did not configure your in /etc/cdrtool/ at all. you must put in there your db host name or address, database name, etc...
On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 15:49 +0200, Jerome Martin wrote:
On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 14:24 +0100, Nuno Marques wrote:
As you can see cdradmin is with % and localhost in the host column.
This means that it can access the database from anywhere. True?
That is correct.
I have sermyadmin working fine, accessing the database.
Good, that seems to leave the mysql config side out (for install/basic setup).
When you say appropriate documentation are you refering to mysql
manual? I didn't understood... what is mysql one ?
Yes, I was referring to mysql one because you description seemed to point at a mysql configuration problem. It still can be. Have you double-checked the cdradmin GRANT permissions for the sipdb access rights ? Is the database created under that name ?
I think that my problem at this time is understand the big picture
about CDRTool, mainly when it comes to database structure, and some mechanisms...
Well, this is something I am afraid you'll have to do mostly on you own (we can explain, but only you can understand [image: ;-)] ). However, your current issue seems more basic than this.
*Jérôme Martin **| **LongPhone* *Responsable Architecture Réseau* 122, rue la Boetie | 75008 Paris Tel : +33 (0)1 56 26 28 44 Fax : +33 (0)1 56 26 28 45 Mail : *jmartin* Web :
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*Jérôme Martin **| **LongPhone* *Responsable Architecture Réseau* 122, rue la Boetie | 75008 Paris Tel : +33 (0)1 56 26 28 44 Fax : +33 (0)1 56 26 28 45 Mail : *jmartin* Web :
*Jérôme Martin **| **LongPhone* *Responsable Architecture Réseau* 122, rue la Boetie | 75008 Paris Tel : +33 (0)1 56 26 28 44 Fax : +33 (0)1 56 26 28 45 Mail : *jmartin* Web :