On Tuesday 26 January 2010, Vikram Ragukumar wrote:
I came across a post by Stefan Sayer regarding an rtpproxy transcoder patch http://lists.iptel.org/pipermail/serdev/2008-July/012794.html. We are interested in having rtpproxy perform transcoding, both in software and using DSP array cards, and are currently running rtpproxy version 1.2.1. Is this link http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~sayer/transcoder/ that is mentioned on the post our starting point or is there an updated version ?
Hi Vikram,
I don't know about this particiular case, so I can't give you more informations in this regards. But i think Stefan read this list as well, if you don't get a reply here perhaps you can contact him direcly by mail, if you have not tried this yet.