Jan Janak writes: > Yes, several UAs can register with the same account and currently
there > is no way in ser how to prevent it. Do you really need such a > restriction
? If you do that, users will be unable to register several > phones or user agents and
utilize forking, for example. yes, i agree that allowing many uas to register the same uri
is very useful. the only problem that i see in ser regarding it is that ser doesn't
yet implement sequential forking based on the q value. it would we great if first my sip
ua would ring and it that times out, then my mobile phone would ring. -- juha
I have such requirements. In providing sip-based residential ip telephony, I would like to
restrict each home subsriber is only allowed to register one UA per account. This would
make easy for billing purposes and for security reasons.
Is there a way to achieve this requirement with SER?