can you provide the list output in gdb for frame 0:
frame 0
On 11/12/15 16:19, Igor Potjevlesch wrote:
I have seen couple of crashes since yesterday.
I copy/paste the last "bt full":
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0 0x0000000000619694 in fm_extract_free (qm=0x7fcdf8780000,
frag=0x7fcdf8a62c78) at mem/f_malloc.c:206
206 *pf=
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x0000000000619694 in fm_extract_free (qm=0x7fcdf8780000,
frag=0x7fcdf8a62c78) at mem/f_malloc.c:206
pf = 0x6576203b50555349
hash = 2097
#1 0x000000000061ad68 in fm_malloc (qm=0x7fcdf8780000, size=1104,
file=0x7fce0f081a7b "tm: t_msgbuilder.c", func=0x7fce0f0860a0
"build_local_reparse", line=369)
at mem/f_malloc.c:490
f = 0x7fcdf8780b08
frag = 0x7fcdf8a62c78
hash = 156
__FUNCTION__ = "fm_malloc"
#2 0x00007fce0f011fa9 in _shm_malloc (size=1099, file=0x7fce0f081a7b
"tm: t_msgbuilder.c", function=0x7fce0f0860a0 "build_local_reparse",
line=369) at ../../mem/shm_mem.h:208
p = 0x6
#3 0x00007fce0f01920e in build_local_reparse (Trans=0x7fcdf8a5e2f0,
branch=0, len=0x7fff00c32fbc, method=0x7fce0f087a25 "ACK",
method_len=3, to=0x7fff00c32d90, reason=0x0)
at t_msgbuilder.c:369
invite_buf = 0x7fcdf8a62868 "INVITE sip:<CALLED>@goren
SIP/2.0\r\nRecord-Route: <sip:A.B.C5.60;lr;did=5b1.3112>\r\nCSeq: 1
INVITE\r\nCall-ID: 3da8-469-1111201513435-JANGO-1-A.B.C_leg2\r\nFrom:
invite_buf_end = 0x7fcdf8a62c70 ""
cancel_buf = 0x415440
s = 0x7fcdf8a62868 "INVITE sip:<CALLED>@goren
SIP/2.0\r\nRecord-Route: <sip:A.B.C5.60;lr;did=5b1.3112>\r\nCSeq: 1
INVITE\r\nCall-ID: 3da8-469-1111201513435-JANGO-1-A.B.C_leg2\r\nFrom:
s1 = 0x0
d = 0x10703ab0 <Address 0x10703ab0 out of bounds>
invite_len = 1032
hf_type = 2540
first_via = 0
to_len = 67
cancel_buf_len = 1099
reason_len = 0
code_len = 0
reas1 = 0x0
reas_last = 0x0
hdr = 0xa7294e
__FUNCTION__ = "build_local_reparse"
#4 0x00007fce0f02e58b in build_ack (rpl=0x7fce107038b8,
trans=0x7fcdf8a5e2f0, branch=0, ret_len=0x7fff00c32fbc) at t_reply.c:439
to = {s = 0xa728f6 "To:
len = 67}
__FUNCTION__ = "build_ack"
#5 0x00007fce0f03b3ca in reply_received (p_msg=0x7fce107038b8) at
msg_status = 488
last_uac_status = 100
ack = 0x7fce10588010 "\001"
ack_len = 0
branch = 0
reply_status = 274235864
onreply_route = 1
cancel_data = {cancel_bitmap = 0, reason = {cause = 0, u =
{text = {s = 0x0, len = 10955086}, e2e_cancel = 0x0, packed_hdrs = {s
= 0x0, len = 10955086}}}}
uac = 0x7fcdf8a5e458
t = 0x7fcdf8a5e2f0
lack_dst = {send_sock = 0x13a948, to = {s = {sa_family =
10306, sa_data = "\247\000\000\000\000\000(\r\030\000\000\000\000"},
sin = {sin_family = 10306,
sin_port = 167, sin_addr = {s_addr = 0}, sin_zero =
"(\r\030\000\000\000\000"}, sin6 = {sin6_family = 10306, sin6_port =
167, sin6_flowinfo = 0, sin6_addr = {
__in6_u = {__u6_addr8 =
"(\r\030\000\000\000\000\000\270|^\020\316\177\000", __u6_addr16 =
{3368, 24, 0, 0, 31928, 4190, 32718, 0}, __u6_addr32 = {1576232, 0,
274627768, 32718}}}, sin6_scope_id = 93}}, id = 0,
proto = -72 '\270', send_flags = {f = 106 'j', blst_imask = 94
backup_user_from = 0x758a50
backup_user_to = 0x415440
backup_domain_from = 0x300c337e0
backup_domain_to = 0x0
backup_uri_from = 0x7fce10703ab0
backup_uri_to = 0x7fff00c330d0
backup_xavps = 0x628478
replies_locked = 0
branch_ret = 0
prev_branch = 275790040
blst_503_timeout = 32718
hf = 0x18e00c33060
onsend_params = {req = 0x7fff00c32f50, rpl = 0x47deb8, param =
0x0, code = 274623280, flags = 32718, branch = 0, t_rbuf = 0xa7294e,
dst = 0xa727e1, send_buf = {
s = 0x7fff00c33010 "\320\060", <incomplete sequence \303>,
len = 6402299}}
ctx = {rec_lev = 7715456, run_flags = 0, last_retcode =
7704068, jmp_env = {{__jmpbuf = {232, 140523014225936,
140523014226728, 140523014618240, 29, 0,
140523015781040, 4281408}, __mask_was_saved =
12793824, __saved_mask = {__val = {0, 140733206179856, 6439748,
140733206179616, 140523001001690,
140733206179584, 0, 67108864, 65537912, 1288288,
1570952, 1576232, 8, 94, 0, 1473240891392}}}}}
__FUNCTION__ = "reply_received"
#6 0x000000000048cc3a in do_forward_reply (msg=0x7fce107038b8,
mode=0) at forward.c:783
new_buf = 0x0
dst = {send_sock = 0x0, to = {s = {sa_family = 0, sa_data =
'\000' <repeats 13 times>}, sin = {sin_family = 0, sin_port = 0,
sin_addr = {s_addr = 0},
sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, sin6 =
{sin6_family = 0, sin6_port = 0, sin6_flowinfo = 0, sin6_addr =
{__in6_u = {
__u6_addr8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>, __u6_addr16
= {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, __u6_addr32 = {0, 0, 0, 0}}},
sin6_scope_id = 0}}, id = 0, proto = 0 '\000',
send_flags = {f = 0 '\000', blst_imask = 0 '\000'}}
new_len = 1
r = 0
ip = {af = 12792240, len = 32767, u = {addrl = {6466393, 280},
addr32 = {6466393, 0, 280, 0}, addr16 = {43865, 98, 0, 0, 280, 0, 0, 0},
addr =
s = 0x410004 ""
len = 0
__FUNCTION__ = "do_forward_reply"
#7 0x000000000048e27d in forward_reply (msg=0x7fce107038b8) at
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
No locals.
#8 0x0000000000509c9c in receive_msg (
buf=0xa727c0 "SIP/2.0 488 Not Acceptable Here\r\nVia: SIP/2.0/UDP
SIP/2.0/UDP <HOST_FROM>;branch=z9hG4bK.5667f6e0\r\nFrom: <sip:332"...,
len=398, rcv_info=0x7fff00c333b0) at receive.c:275
msg = 0x7fce107038b8
ctx = {rec_lev = 10237056, run_flags = 0, last_retcode = 0,
jmp_env = {{__jmpbuf = {0, 0, 0, 272136986608, 1812476198913, 0,
272145363728, 272145384176},
__mask_was_saved = 0, __saved_mask = {__val =
{140523014366192, 140733206180688, 1, 140522613671152, 272137013029,
50195, 1024, 4307759872, 140522613671152,
140733206180608, 6299381, 140733206180896,
140522613671152, 81, 6299509, 140733206180976}}}}}
ret = 12792656
inb = {
s = 0xa727c0 "SIP/2.0 488 Not Acceptable Here\r\nVia:
SIP/2.0/UDP <HOST_FROM>;branch=z9hG4bK.5667f6e0\r\nFrom: <sip:332"...,
len = 398}
__FUNCTION__ = "receive_msg"
#9 0x0000000000608f02 in udp_rcv_loop () at udp_server.c:521
len = 398
buf = "SIP/2.0 488 Not Acceptable Here\r\nVia: SIP/2.0/UDP
SIP/2.0/UDP <HOST_FROM>;branch=z9hG4bK.5667f6e0\r\nFrom: <sip:332"...
tmp = 0x3f60c4067a <Address 0x3f60c4067a out of bounds>
from = 0x7fce105e7920
fromlen = 16
ri = {src_ip = {af = 2, len = 4, u = {addrl = {151524537, 0},
addr32 = {151524537, 0, 0, 0}, addr16 = {5305, 2312, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
addr = "\271\024\b\t", '\000' <repeats 11
dst_ip = {af = 2, len = 4, u = {addrl = {1016190299, 0}, addr32 =
{1016190299, 0, 0, 0}, addr16 = {54619,
15505, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, addr = "[Õ<", '\000'
<repeats 11 times>}}, src_port = 5060, dst_port = 5060,
proto_reserved1 = 0, proto_reserved2 = 0, src_su = {
s = {sa_family = 2, sa_data =
"\023Ĺ\024\b\t\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, sin = {sin_family = 2,
sin_port = 50195, sin_addr = {s_addr = 151524537},
sin_zero = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, sin6 =
{sin6_family = 2, sin6_port = 50195, sin6_flowinfo = 151524537,
sin6_addr = {__in6_u = {
__u6_addr8 = '\000' <repeats 15 times>, __u6_addr16
= {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, __u6_addr32 = {0, 0, 0, 0}}},
sin6_scope_id = 0}},
bind_address = 0x7fce105aa2b0, proto = 1 '\001'}
__FUNCTION__ = "udp_rcv_loop"
#10 0x00000000004a6d9b in main_loop () at main.c:1629
i = 0
pid = 0
si = 0x7fce105aa2b0
si_desc = "udp receiver child=0
nrprocs = 8
__FUNCTION__ = "main_loop"
#11 0x00000000004acedf in main (argc=7, argv=0x7fff00c337e8) at
cfg_stream = 0xac7010
c = -1
r = 0
tmp = 0x7fff00c34f70 ""
tmp_len = 32767
port = 12793534
proto = 0
options = 0x6ff8f8
ret = -1
seed = 3913881212
rfd = 4
debug_save = 0
debug_flag = 0
dont_fork_cnt = 0
n_lst = 0x40d11c
p = 0xc2 <Address 0xc2 out of bounds>
__FUNCTION__ = "main"
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