When one Googles hard enough, one eventually finds:
I applied it to the source tree and reinstalled libmemcache and rebuilt the memcached module, but it doesn't fix the problem:
-- Alex
On 11/28/2012 03:50 AM, Alex Balashov wrote:
So, I built the memcached module against the latest Git production branch of memcached and libmemcache-1.4.0.rc2 (the latest available), on Debian i386.
But when I try to load the Kamailio memcached module:
Nov 28 03:47:44 diminuendo-1 kamailio: ERROR: <core> [sr_module.c:572]: ERROR: load_module: could not open module </usr/local/lib/kamailio/modules/memcached.so>: /usr/lib/libmemcache.so.0: undefined symbol: mcm_buf_len
I find that very odd, because the symbol is quite clearly exported in the library:
diminuendo-1:~# nm /usr/lib/libmemcache.so.0 | grep -i mcm_buf_len U mcm_buf_len
Does anyone have any idea what the underlying linking issue is here?
-- Alex