Bogdan, Ovidiu Sas Many thanks! It's perfectly clear now.
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
logically speaking, your openser cannot be proxy (in Route hdr) and end point (in Contact) in the same time.
Regarding the Contact rewriting - I would say it is not necessary. According the RFC, the UAS (b2bua) will receive as route set the RR of openser and as remote target URI the private contact of the UAC. When building the BYE, it will put the UAC's contact (private) in RURI and all received RR in Route headers. The whole idea is that the Route hdrs will be used by b2bua to send out the request and not RURI - so this can be private as it will not be used for routing ;)...Only openser will start routing based on RURI as all the ROute headers will be consumed.
Regards, Bogdan