Have you tried using "append_branch()" after "rewritehostport(<new uri>)"?
From: Steve Dolloff on 03/10/2003 15:04
To: Alexander Mayrhofer Jiri Kuthan cc:
Subject: RE: [Serusers] voicemail question - dial plan example - pstngatewayexample
Any other suggestions?
Subject: Re: [Serusers] voicemail question - dial plan example - pstngateway example
On (02.10.03 23:28), Alexander Mayrhofer wrote: > replacing > > rewritehostport(""); > > with > > append_branch("sip:"); > > in the fialure_route should do the trick.
err, i hate replying to my own mails.
The above line will make you loose the user part of the URI, and is therefore not a working solution ... we'd need a function to reset the branch status value here, which afaik does currently not exist ...
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