I came to same decision after googlling a bit...
Hemanshu Patel
M: 09601295238
> Hello,
> On 02/19/2010 06:38 AM, Hemanshu Patel wrote:
>> Hello guys.....
>> Recent now i had started taking keen interest in kamailio.
>> I was testing kamailio, and i had test it under two scenario.
>> first of all let me tell u about my configuration.
>> I am testing on normal Desktop pc, installed kamailio,mysql, radius
>> everything on same pc.
>> I am using MYSQL anyway for both sort of testing.
>> When i test with radius authentication, means using radius_www_authorize
>> at max i am getting around 500 cps for Registration, but when i use
>> normal
>> www_authorize i am getting around 2000 CPS....
>> whopping difference guys.....
>> So, i was wondering what is merits and demerits of not using Radius
>> based
>> authentication.
>> Is it insecure if i use normal Authentication?
>> Its not in my knowledge that radius do encryption...so i dont think by
>> using radius it provides more security.
>> What is your opinions about it?
> if you have mysql behind radius there is no benefit using radius in this
> case. You just add another point in architecture, you need to take care
> of failover for it, etc. Also, it adds delays, as you observed.
> It is no encryption for radius communication. The advantage would be
> when you would have others services that must use radius, due to
> different constraints and the database behind radius is not natively
> supported by kamailio. I have to say that I am not the
> very-radius-familiar guy, there might be other advantages when using
> radius inside multi-services platform, but not at my knowledge now.
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> --
> Daniel-Constantin Mierla
> SIP Server Professional Solutions
> *