Hai, We Xten released a newer version (seradmin v .03e) of SERAdmin. Xten is building this for the ser community and we would very much like your feedback so that we can build you a better product
The Source code is available at http://developer.berlios.de/projects/seradmin SERAdmin is a GUI interface between SIP Express Router (SER) and a SER administrator.SERAdmin has an intuitive look and feel. SERAdmin provides control over many SER tasks such as: Start, Stop, Pause, Re-start, Monitor SER, Add User, Change Password and EmailId Delete User, Add Alias , Edit Alias etc.
With this we can also use FIFO commands,Access controls,User Location. The objective of the SERAdminv03e is to support the ser-0.8.11 version also. This latest SER Administration Application handles both ser-0.8.10 and ser-0.8.11.
What is new?. The following commands available in this release ------------------------------------------------ Ping(uri) - Pinging a URI Cisco_restart(uri) - Restart a Cisco Phone arg - Arguments of SER pwd - Present Working Directory t_uac_dlg - Initiate a Transaction
you can download the components from http://developer.berlios.de/projects/seradmin For any feedback & help pls. contact xten_india@yahoo.com Regards, Team, Xten_india
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