I could configure Openser as RLS, and installed OpenXCAP.
I wanted to use OpenXCAP with EyeBeam Client. (version build 33793)
OpenXCAP is giving the following error.
Invalid Document Selector xcap-root@ (the Document Selector context must be 'users' or 'global': 'pres-rules') Invalid Document Selector xcap-root@ (the Document Selector context must be 'users' or 'global': 'resource-lists') Invalid Document Selector xcap-root@ (the Document Selector context must be 'users' or 'global': 'pres-rules') Invalid Document Selector xcap-root@ (the Document Selector context must be 'users' or 'global': 'resource-lists')
UE is getting 404 Error.
It seems the OpenXCAP is expecting 'users' or 'global' instead of 'resource-lists'.
Can somebody please point out, if I am missing something..?
I am attaching my Config Files along with this.
Somebody please help me...