I would like to use dbtext to store a list of whitelisted gateways, but each time I load it I get a core segmentation fault.
Any ideas? Here is my gateways db file: key_name(str) key_type(int) value_type(int) key_value(str) gwip:1:0:a gwip:1:0:b gwip:1:0:c gwcount:0:1:3
And in my config: modparam("htable","htable","gateways=>size=4;dbtable=gateways;") modparam("htable","db_url","text:///usr/local/etc/kamailio")
while( $var(i) < $sht(gateways=>gwcount) ){ if( $sht(gateways=>gwip[$var(i)]) == $si ){ setflag(gateway); xlog("ISFROMGW: request from IP $si matches $sht(gateways=>gwip[$var(i)]) ...\n"); } }
Do you see anything wrong with this setup? -Eric