Hi Muhammad, Check the updated procedure at www.sermyadmin.org. The default login is asmin@setup, password secret as stated in the procedure. Flavio E. Goncalves
----- Mensagem original ---- De: muhammad akl muhammad.akl@gmail.com Para: users@lists.kamailio.org Enviadas: Domingo, 10 de Agosto de 2008 6:28:53 Assunto: [Kamailio-Users] serMyAdmin login problem invalid username and/or password
hey all
i'm trying to configure sermyadmin web interface to administrate openser-1.2.2 through it firstly i installed apache-tomcat and configure it successfully then i downloaded the sermyadmin.war and copied it to /usr/local/tomcat/webapps then downloaded mysql-jdbc and copied it to /usr/local/tomcat/lib also configure the context.xml and modified the Context element and added the user have full privileges to access openser databases then when tried to login with user "admin@locahost" and pass " openserrw" default values created by the openser_mysql.sh i got invalid username or password ? any suggestions ?
serMyAdmin version used .7-BETA
i also tried the howto found in sermyadmin.org but with no success by trying to use the prepared openser.sql file
if anyone could i'd appreciate that