Hi all,
I'm testing the LCR module and I am having problems with its performance.
In my setup I use a call generator (sipp) to place 50 calls, 10 calls each second - which works like a charm without any retransmissions when NOT using LCR functionality (no load_gws()).
As soon as I add this code in my route_block if (!load_gws()) { sl_send_reply("500", "Server Internal Error - Cannot load gateways"); return; }; I am having huge performance problems. The OpenSER drops to effectivly 1 CPS. My lcr table contains only 20 entries and I have just 2 gateways configured, so this shouldn't be a problem.
I guess I made a big mistake somewhere, since this can't be the intended behaviour of the LCR module.
Can somebody help me?
Regards, Stefan