Have a following auestions on Kami 4.4.7. Centos 6.9
1. Dialog modules stores entire dialog data in SQL. When I do "kamctl restart", dialog data is still on SQL, but dialog module ignores it and start new dialog. I've expeced previous dialog will be catched up and contonue and finally write CDR. What can it be?
I use rtpproxy from git, in bridge mode (maybe I'm stupid but I can't build rtpengine on Centos). When I forword call to Mediant (E1-SIP gateway), T.38 fax is going OK. When I try to route it for 100% working softswitch, remote drops call immediatly with BYE or I see in sngrep endless INVITE exchange and then hangup. Help me please with this.
I can provide full kamailio.cfg as well as any log files.