Hi Henning,
the problem is, is that this is only a VERY small subset of the debug messages I would typically see using normal stderror logging???? This is what confuses me
Cheers Jason
On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 5:38 PM, Henning Westerholt < henning.westerholt@1und1.de> wrote:
On Mittwoch, 19. August 2009, Jason Penton wrote:
Hey Henning,
no, none of my log messages from the cfg file come into the log file. However I do get the following:
Aug 19 17:35:38 ug2s02-zone2 kamailio[12273]: [ID 797031 local0.debug] DBG:core:fm_malloc_init: F_OPTIMIZE=16384, /ROUNDTO=2048 Aug 19 17:35:38 ug2s02-zone2 kamailio[12273]: [ID 596959 local0.debug] DBG:core:fm_malloc_init: F_HASH_SIZE=2067, fm_block size=16560 Aug 19 17:35:38 ug2s02-zone2 kamailio[12273]: [ID 362601 local0.debug] DBG:core:fm_malloc_init: params (fbe00000, 33554432), start=fbe00000 Aug 19 17:35:38 ug2s02-zone2 kamailio[12273]: [ID 551434 local0.debug] DBG:core:shm_mem_init_mallocs: success Aug 19 17:35:38 ug2s02-zone2 kamailio[12273]: [ID 123545 local0.info] INFO:core:init_tcp: using /dev/poll as the TCP io watch method (auto detected)
weird that I get some messages but not the others. I have alot of LM_INFO messages in my code that I dont see too?????
Hi Jason,
so it seems that you indeed get only DEBUG messages in the log file, so try the suggestion Alex gave to you - local0.* This should catch all.