The following works for me with a header like 'Reason: Q.850;cause=16;text="NORMAL_CLEARING".' in the 'RELAY' route when the method is 'BYE':
Cheers, Björn Bylander
On 07/02/14 15:09, Tuan Viet Nguyen wrote:
Hello, Thanks for your reply
Here is the field Reason: Q.850;cause=047 I've tried it in the failure_route block (using t_on_failure before relaying a SIP INVITE). If I print the From header using $hdr(From) ou @message.header.From, it works, but it is not the case with @message.header.From.params["tag"] for ex. In this case, I also have a parsing error in log file ERROR: <core> [parser/parse_param.c:505]: parse_param(): parse_params(): Invalid character, ; expected
On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 1:17 PM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda@gmail.com wrote: Hello,
can you paste the header here and how you used it in the config? Have tried to print it with xlog or in some other expression? Also, in what kind of routing block you try to get it?
Cheers, Daniel
On 07/02/14 13:14, Tuan Viet Nguyen wrote: Hello, How to get ISUP cause in the 'Reason' header field of SIP error reply ? I've tried a few ways but it did not work @message.header.Reason.params["cause"] or $hdr(Reason) gives null Thanks,