In that particular deployment I have POSTGRES as a db. Here's the set of loaded modules: loadmodule "" loadmodule "" loadmodule "" loadmodule "" loadmodule "" loadmodule "" loadmodule "" loadmodule "" loadmodule "" loadmodule "" loadmodule "" loadmodule "" loadmodule "" loadmodule "" loadmodule ""
Regards, Ovidiu Sas
On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 1:09 PM, Henning Westerholt wrote:
On Monday 06 October 2008, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
no, the reason for reversion is that the latest version running in production will not show the problem because we adopted preventive reset to minimize impact to customer calls. So I don't know yet if it shows this problem or not. So I collected the logs using a revision that I was sure could recreate the problem.
OK, I understand now. I was looking at the logs and there seems to be a leak with db operations - something does not free a db result. I will go over the modules that you are using and try to spot any issue -- i will check the change log to see if something happened in the last time regarding such issue.. [..]
Hi Daniel,
yes, i also had this impression. If i understand the log correctly, then there about 6400 not freed database results, that causes the out of memory condition. This are about 1/5 to 1/4 of the total calls that lead to this problem, not good. I checked the mysql driver functions in question, but i did not found something yet. So i also suppose the problem is related to the used modules. Ovidiu, how does this module set matches to the modules you use?
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