Yes, the phone sends a REGISTER message which tells to the server:
"User joe can be reached at IP and port 5060".
On 08-10 11:48, Sesha Bhatlapenumarthy wrote:
Then, how does the SIP server know that this
particular phone has this
extension and this IP? Does it happen just with the SIP phone registering
with the SIP server?
-----Original Message-----
From: Jan Janak []
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 11:30 AM
To: Sesha Bhatlapenumarthy
Cc: serusers(a)
Subject: Re: [Serusers] SIP registraton
I don't understand. You shouldn't insert anything except username and
password. username and password should be inserted into subscriber
On 08-10 11:29, Sesha Bhatlapenumarthy wrote:
What table in the database "ser" should
I insert the values of call number
and IP address of the SIP phone? Is it location or phonebook or anyother
table? Please suggest! Thank you very much.