So i'm trying to get ser to accept calls via asterisk (which I use for my
voip termination).
I dialed 85283363 from asterisk, however my SER receives the call and for
some reason
forwards the call to 64273040757
# in extension.conf
exten => _8.,1,Dial(SIP/max.fast.co.nz/${EXTEN},60,t)
exten => _8.,2,Hangup
# in ser.cfg (i'm guessing this accepts calls with the prefix 8
if (method == "INVITE") {
if (uri =~ "sip:8[0-9].@*"){
log(1, "Forwarding to Asterisk\n");
The sip from shows call coming from 2206, which is correct, it sees it going
to 82583363, the INVITE goes to 64273040757.
caller_UUID callee_UUID sip_from sip_to sip_status sip_method i_uri
o_uri from_uri to_uri sip_callid username domain fromtag totag time
timestamp caller_deleted callee_deleted
Barry <sip:2206@voip.fast.co.nz>;tag=2604881704
<sip:85283363@voip.fast.co.nz>;tag=0011219c488307c... 200 INVITE
sip:85283363@voip.fast.co.nz sip:64273040757@voip.fast.co.nz
sip:2206@voip.fast.co.nz sip:85283363@voip.fast.co.nz
5E6EFD0E-A920-412B-B760-C7F29E96E7AC(a) 2206 voip.fast.co.nz
2604881704 0011219c488307ca4af6c9fb-0b9b8c1b 2005-04-04 01:13:59
20050404131359 0 0