I've been trying to integrate Asterisk with Kamailio (or Openser as we are still running the 1.3 branch on our production servers) following this "guide" http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Realtime+Integration+Of+Asterisk+1.4+With...
However, doing "sip show peers" in Asterisk doesn't list any of the users from OpenSER and using the managment tools (Flashpanel etc) I can't see OpenSER/Kamailio users status either.
Has anyone got any experience with this? Is it "only" to allow OpenSER users to access voicemail services? I had kind of hoped to trick asterisk into believing Kamailio users were asterisk users ... but that might be stretching it a bit too far?
And this might be best answered by Asterisk people but I'm guessing most of them have less experience with Kamailio than Kamailio people have with Asterisk :D
Looking for any insights, thanks in advance, Geir