Hi Daniel,
I have the value in the AVP, so I want to do something like this:
avp_db_load("$avp(s:caller_uuid)", "$avp(s:code)");
if (uri=~"^sip:$avp(code)[0-9]+@") {
but I know that I can't use the avp in this way.
Thank you.
2009/11/16 Daniel-Constantin Mierla
> Hello,
> On 16.11.2009 18:41 Uhr, Antonio Reale wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> actually I test if the R-URI contains the value *44* with:
>> if (uri=~"^sip:*44*[0-9]+@") {
>> ...
>> }
>> Now I want to read the value 44 or *44* from an AVP.
>> Tried using directly the avp or assigning it to a variable, without
>> success.
>> ex.:
>> $var(x) = "sip:" + $avp(s:code) + "[0-9]+@";
>> How can I solve this problem?
> do you want to get the value in avp? or you have the value in the avp? I do
> not get it from your question. For first, it is not right. For the second is
> not right also.
> If it is first, then see the transformations:
> - s.substr
> - s.select
> - re.subst
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> --
> Daniel-Constantin Mierla
> *