Tks, using the commands you suggested I have been able to fix the cfg file.
Best regards Martin Coggin
-----Original Message----- From: Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul [] Sent: 01 April 2004 06:49 To: Martin Coggin Cc: 'Atle Samuelsen'; Subject: Re: [Serusers] Quick start SER Too much shared memory
On Mar 31, 2004 at 19:15, Martin Coggin wrote:
Here is the output from this command.
hattie:/etc/init.d# ser -c -f /etc/ser/ser.cfg -E -dddddd
0(5082) parse error (65,1-5): parse error 0(5082) parse error (65,1-5):
Your problem is on line 65 of your config file, columns 1-5.