On 5/31/11 6:43 PM, Alex Hermann wrote:
On Tuesday 31 May 2011 17:36:57 Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
The libdir for 64b systems (amd64) is lib64, as it was discussed on the mailing list.
That is the general case, not using pakcges, as FHS seem to be written that way. Here we're talking about Debian packages and on debian native libs go to /usr/lib. http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-opersys.html#s9.1
But this is not causing the problems i have with building the packages!
I've risen a discussion and people suggested lib64 being right -- ultimately I did it via LIBDIR variable that can be set in command line so if one is not happy, he car rebuild easily in own way.
I downloaded the amd64 deb and the content is below, is it something wrong there? It is only /usr/lib64 as it was expected to be...
On the other hand, you patch should be fine as well. But I just want to see where is something broken in provided debs at this time.
The provided debs do work ok.
OK - wanted to be sure they are no longer broken.Thanks.
The problem is with the provided pkg/debian/kamailio/*/rules files. The rules file does not export the LIBDIR variable to the Makefile resulting in different values within the rules file and within the Makefile breaking the dups deletion. The rules file sets LIBDIR to /usr/lib while the Makefile has installed the libs to /usr/lib64.
So, the main issue is that LIBDIR needs to be exported from the rules file to the Makefile to guarantee both the rules file and the Makefile have the same notion of where the libs are going. At least in my build environment, the Makefile puts the libs in /usr/lib64 while the dups deletion works on /usr/lib resulting in packages with overlapping files.
Additionally, IMHO, for Debian, LIBDIR=/usr/lib should be exported so the packages have the modules in /usr/lib as does the rest of Debian.
do you use 'make deb' do build the debs? Or what is your way of building them?
Also, you can go ahead and commit the patch that exports the LIBDIR in rules, it is ok...
Cheers, Daniel