I implemented secfilter in a simple way, in first step routing put that conditional for black list check that already works:
``` secf_check_ip(); if ($? == -2) { xlog("L_ALERT", "$rm from $si is blacklisted"); drop(); } ```
BUT NOW i want to change to whitelick checks, so i reviewed the docs and "2" is resulting for whitelist, so then i said "if not whitelisted so block" using "!= 2" as on https://www.kamailio.org/wiki/cookbooks/5.3.x/core#operators BUT SEEMS DOES NOT WORK: that is the code:
``` secf_check_ip(); if ($? != 2) { xlog("L_ALERT", "$rm from $si is not in whitelist, block"); drop(); } ```
when i tested all the calls passed not matter if are in the table or not as whitelist!
I want able to call only if are present and whitelisted the ip address.. so i also tested with:
``` secf_check_ip(); if ($? == 0) { xlog("L_ALERT", "$rm from $si is not present, so block"); drop(); } ```
to check if the ip address are presented in the table but call also passed and must not cos i not put never a entry in the table!
Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO) http://qgqlochekone.blogspot.com