Weird issue, only with registers. Sometimes when I start ser (and openser, same issue with both) my test phone (behind nat) will not register allways getting 401 unauthorized back. But wait a minute and it will register (without resetting ser or the phone).
Is this a built in feature or a bug (it only happens when I reset ser/openser after 60 seconds the server and phone behave normally).
Got me stumped as the configs on the phone and ser don't change.
REGISTER sip:XX.XX.XX.XX SIP/2.0. Via: SIP/2.0/UDP From: sip:2959770500@XX.XX.XX.XX;user=phone;tag=1886287424. To: sip:2959770500@XX.XX.XX.XX;user=phone. Call-ID: 147690828@ CSeq: 1 REGISTER. Contact: Nathan Gross sip:2959770500@;user=phone;transport=udp;expires=60. User-Agent: Cisco-CP7905/1.02-040406A. Allow: ACK, BYE, CANCEL, INVITE, NOTIFY, OPTIONS, REFER, REGISTER. Content-Length: 0.
SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized. Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=62686;received=YY.YY.YY.YY. From: sip:2959770500@XX.XX.XX.XX;user=phone;tag=1886287424. To: sip:2959770500@XX.XX.XX.XX;user=phone;tag=264d52ef5b2f408fc315ea210b15c82e .5681. Call-ID: 147690828@ CSeq: 1 REGISTER. WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="XX.XX.XX.XX", nonce="42b9e43447292eaaa08c9b86dcc1e23344ac3c6a", qop="auth". Content-Length: 0.
Thank You
Anthony Dean Network Design & Support Tristar Communications
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