On 07 Mar 2015, at 01:32, Anthony Messina amessina@messinet.com wrote:
In terms of implementing "group" calling via the append_branch feature of both alias_db_lookup followed by lookup_branches, I'm looking for a reliable way to ensure that if the caller happens to be a member of the group (list of branches), the branch that's created to the original caller is dropped.
Originally, I was thinking of comparing $rU and $fU in branch_route, but this would limit the ability for one contact of an AOR to call another contact of the same AOR.
Can anyone offer an example of an efficient method to accomplish this?
From reading your e-mail it seems that you propose a possible idea - why not compare contact URI's?
If they have +sip.instance, just compare that. If they have not, try to compare the full SIP URI's in the contacts.
Just brainstorming. /O