15 feb 2010 kl. 10.01 skrev Alex Balashov:
On 02/15/2010 03:58 AM, Alex Hermann wrote:
On Monday 15 February 2010 09:25:41 Asterisk User wrote:
Now to implement MWI i send NOTIFY packet from Asterisk to Kamailio and from kamailio to SIP extension (Grandstream GXP2000). here is the packet that travels from kamailio to extension and the response sent from extension to kamilio. =========================== NOTIFY sip:1111111@arzoo.comsip%3A1111111@arzoo.com SIP/2.0 Max-Forwards: 10 Record-Route:sip:;lr;nat=yes Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK3c3.e1003f03.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP ;received=;branch=z9hG4bK.4f83530d;rport=45382;alias Via: SIP/2.0/UDP From:<sip:111@arzoo.comsip%3A111@arzoo.com> To:<sip:1111111@arzoo.comsip%3A1111111@arzoo.com>
NOTIFY's are in-dialog requests. Your From and To header are missing the required tags (and look a bit suspicious by themselves too because of the double<>). The grandstream probably can't match the NOTIFY to the correct subscription and follows a code path that for some reason decides to answer 415 instead of a 481.
Good eye! That too.
Basically, Granstream sucks. Don't bother.
Well, I think that Asterisk has a bit of blame to take here too. Asterisk sends NOTIFY without having received a SUBSCRIBE, which is why they look out-of-dialog. You can configure Asterisk to only send NOTIFY with a subscription, in which case this won't happen. It's an old story, and most phones actually accept NOTIFY's for voicemail out-of-the-blue, outside of any known dialogs.