On 10/09/14 09:08, Nandini madhu wrote:
Dear all, Greetings.
We need to install Kamailio server in ARM9 architecture based system (Example: Xilinx XC7Z045-2FFG676I FPGA board).
Pleasse suggest me that, is there any possibility of installing Kamailio in ARM9 architecture based systems.
I don't have any experience with that specific board, but kamailio should compile on ARM (e.g., it compiles on raspbery pi, which has arm11). You should try with a common linux distribution (e.g., debian) and report any compile issues that you may have.
Here is a tutorial about installing kamailio from sources: - http://www.kamailio.org/wiki/install/4.1.x/git
Cheers, Daniel