On Wednesday 18 March 2009, Sara EL KABIRI wrote:
this is
strange. If you increase the debug level to 4, you should see
some message about the module loading. Is the mi_fifo module correctly
loaded? Perhaps you configured another path in another modparam
statement, so that the first one is overwritten, and subsequently not
found from the ctl command?
The log i get after increasing the debug level to 4 is in the attached.
Hope it's fine to attach files in this mailing list :-)
Hi Sara,
the log looks good so far, the fifo is loaded and also initialized. But, this
line is also present:
Mar 17 18:40:03 [6236] ERROR:core:tcp_init: bind(6, 0x8190a44, 16) on : Address already in use
This means that the server did not start, because it still runs from some
earlier start. Perhaps the server that runs here still uses a old/ wrong