I think it’s misguided to approach FOSS as a cost savings move. Of course this is an
obvious benefit with the main easily detected benefit being the lack of any cost for the
software itself and no licensing / recurring license fees.
-- Fred Posner
Sent from mobile
Phone: +1 (352) 664-3733
On Apr 14, 2024, at 8:22 AM, Mahmood Alkhalil via
sr-users <sr-users(a)lists.kamailio.org> wrote:
Hi Everyone,
I would like to hear some stories about moving away from proprietary telephony services
whether on premises or on cloud to FOSS solutions and how much stable, secure, efficient
and cost effective it was.
I would like to present to my managers such cases to convince them to move away from
proprietary telephony as it is just huge amount of cost and technical debt.
Thanks everyone and really appreciate any insights, also I am sorry if this is not the
place to ask for such!
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