Thanks Andrew Even if i don't Use tls ?
On Mon, Jun 4, 2018, 5:16 PM Andrew Pogrebennyk wrote:
On 06/04/2018 03:39 PM, Amar Tinawi wrote:
Could this module work in scenario like in case if the call is established and running, And one of the UA'a lost its connection and then reconnect and send a new register Could the call be continued ? Without sending new INVITE.. just like the whatsapp
I might be wrong, but I think that GRUU and SIP-outbound RFC are supposed to address this to some extent, because when receiving in-dialog request the proxy can look up the new connection to the UA using the device id and replace the connection. Not sure how this looks like in practice and with TLS connections, since not many clients support GRUU and some wouldn't even re-register after TCP disconnect.\
As to original question, I doubt if there is such a method for transaction in progress, but see perhaps if topci applies to you.
BR, Andrew