On Tuesday 05 August 2008, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
I found it an illogical reaction. Probably you have a total false vision of my action - I only want to move on with the work I'm doing in a way I consider more productive.
Hello Bogdan,
well, i think that this project consists of more people then you. And the people don't expect us to behave like in some sort of "kindergarden" (a bunch of people used this term in privat conversations, so its not soley my own impression). As Alex pointed out, we should really try to:
.. to work your differences out, compromise, standardise, and merge the code back into one project so that we can all continue to enjoy, evolve and innovate with the best, most extensible, polymorphic and featureful SIP server out there.
Otherwise we'll have now two projects that will diverge over time, users must make their choice, the developer base will be partitoned. Certain bugs will only be fixed in one project and so on.
The code base is already to huge to be understandable from one person. And it certainly make no real sense to complicate the work even further. As pointed out from some other guys, way more bigger projects like KDE or linux kernel managed to work together toward one goal, with occasional fights, but without a split.
So i ask you, what is that special about the actual sitation that you think this fork is the only way? I think that people expect us to find a better solution.