On 15/12/2023 14.04, [EXT] Calvin E. via sr-users wrote:
Probably this:
ngcp-rtpengine ( unstable; urgency=medium * [2fa121c] MT#54294 add GPU support * [b3544be] MT#54294 packaging for rtpengine-gpu * [079bfac] MT#55283 fix up pkg generator for -gpu packages
I'm guessing this uses underlying FFmpeg CUDA support.
It's a bit more complicated than this as ffmpeg doesn't have GPU support for audio processing.
So we took the Opus codec, ported it to CUDA, heavily modified it for parallel execution, and combined it with some other codecs (G.711 for now) to be able to do transcoding on a GPU.
This isn't relevant for the regular media proxy (RTP passthrough) use case though.