I'm doing similar things here: uac_replace_from combined with uac_auth, individual (not 1:1) credentials from db, AVPs etc etc... append_branch is useless in your case, you're right (I need it for uac_auth).
It would REALLY be great if this job would be done automagically *BIG HINT HINT* ;-p
Right now I'm struggling with all kinds of call forwarding. Conditional, unconditional, REFER, 3xy etc - getting only SOME of the possible scenarios working (also in combination with PSTN) is a big mess.
Christmas is still far, far away - otherwise I think I knew what to put on my wishlist ;-)
Regards, Thomas Gelf
Andreas Granig schrieb:
Hi Thomas,
Yes, I'm doing it that way now (without that "append_branch()" though), but if you have an uuid-based setup where you fetch the uuid from the subscriber table during authentication of the INVITE and then with that uuid fetch dynamic data from the usr_preferences table to be used for "uac_rewrite_host()", then you have to do some work-arounds and hacks to get that data for the CANCEL as well, which could be quite a pain.
So yes, it would be really great if this could be done automatically *hint hint* :)
Thomas Gelf wrote:
Applying uac_replace_from() to the CANCEL request should do the job, it sadly doesn't happen automagically :'-(
Try something like:
if(is_method("CANCEL") && uri =~ "^sip:...") { if(t_check_trans()) { rewritehostport("..."); uac_replace_from("..."); append_branch(); } if(!t_relay()) { sl_reply_error(); } }
Cheers, Thomas Gelf
Andreas Granig schrieb:
I hit another problem with a Cisco PGW in combination with CANCEL, and I'm not sure which fault it is. If I do uac_replace_from in the INVITE, the From-Header is altered somehow and sent to the PGW. So if A calls B where B is a PGW, the From from A to OpenSER is for example sip:a@somedomain and from OpenSER to B it's sip:other-a@somedomain.
If the call is cancelled, the From-header isn't altered, so the From from A to OpenSER is sip:a@somedomain and from OpenSER to B it's sip:a@somedomain as well.
Now the PGW seems to ignore this CANCEL, and I guess it's because of the different From-usernames, since it works if I don't do any uac_replace_from.
RFC3261 says in ยง9.1: The Request-URI, Call-ID, To, the numeric part of CSeq, and From header fields in the CANCEL request MUST be identical to those in the request being cancelled, including tags.
So is it correct behavior of the PGW because the From header in the CANCEL is different from the From header in the INVITE? Should OpenSER alter the From in the CANCEL as well? Or should the PGW just check the From tags, but not the From URI?