29 apr 2013 kl. 14:29 skrev "Victor V. Kustov" coyote@bks.tv:
В Fri, 19 Apr 2013 14:46:00 +0200 "Olle E. Johansson" oej@edvina.net пишет:
We will certainly look into this. There are trainings, but no books and very few guides on the web. Please feel free to contribute, after all it is Open Source and we depend on community contributions in order to get documentation written.
OK, i think any function need examples. Not for call only, but for use result.
I see in doc:
radius_load_callee_avps("$rU@$rd"); # take callee from Request-URI
I call this function, but where are results? How can i check errors, where i must look results? In which avps?
It is explained in section 1. Overview.
Now, I realize you missed that so there propably needs to be a pointer to that section in the function descriptions.