Realtime with asterisk, and voicemail, #if you get i working let me
know, I got voicemail from flatfile all working, but realtime, just
doesnt seem to pull the info out of the database for some reason.
MWI, if your phone is registered at SER, you will need to pass message
back with externotify back to ser, and get ser to send the message to
the phone, Paul(aka Java) had a working setup, but its not
straightforward, alot of little scripts to implement in cron etc.
Also add to this different ways in which the IP phones work, and you may
as well not do it :-)
Steve Blair wrote:
harry gaillac wrote:
I wish to use asterisk as voicemail system with ser My phones are
registered on SER and asterisk provide
conference ivr and voicemail system.
I want to use Asterisk Realtime Architecture to store
voicemessages and configuration .
Michael Shuler has written a patch for mwi.
I need help to set up voicemail storage and how to
send mwi to clients registered on ser
Most clients will respond to unsolicited NOTIFY messages with an
event type of simple-message-summary and the Messages-Waiting
tag in the body with a value of yes or no depending upon which state
the lamp should be.
The externotify flag is one tool for executing a script that can send
such a
NOTIFY message.
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