I have not tried in 3.0+, but in Kamailio 1.5.x, the documentation says that the MI FIFO command 'dlg_end_dlg' will only terminate confirmed dialogs.
That's fair. However, I am concerned about what it does with unconfirmed dialogs (e.g. early dialogs). When I run 'kamctl fifo dlg_end_dlg SOME_HASH_ENTRY SOME_HASH_ID' it returns a positive value as if the dialog were deleted, but it is not actually deleted. It continues to show up in 'kamctl fifo profile_list_dlgs SOME_PROFILE SOME_VALUE', and continues to be linked to the profile, which is a problem if profiles are being used to enforce concurrent channel limits.
Subsequent invocations of 'kamctl fifo dlg_end_dlg SOME_HASH_ENTRY SOME_HASH_ID' return: 404 Requested dialog not found.
Is this a bug? A feature? What should one do with these permanent suspended dialogs other than to restart the proxy?