Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul wrote:
If you want to override the final reply sent by ser, you have to catch it in the failure route and send a new reply in its place (if you send a reply " by hand" in the failure route, its value won't be fixed by ser final reply processing code) e.g.:
failure_route[0]{ if (t_check_status("503")){ t_reply("503", "Keeping 503 because I don't like the rfc"); return; } /* ... */ }
There are other ways to do it, but I think this is the shortest one.
This suggestion does appear to override the reply and that's great. I found that I have to do a t_on_failure("FAILURE_ROUTE") on all INVITEs, not just those where the @to.tag=="" (as written in the sample ser.cfg file).
However, this alteration triggers another problem, as the logs report:
Oct 21 02:37:47 ser1 ser[19225]: WARNING: -_set_fr_timer- already added: 0x80252 7400 , tl=0x802527418!!! Oct 21 02:37:47 ser1 ser[19225]: BUG: set_final_timer: start retr failed for 0x8 02527400
Neither of these appear to be things I have intentionally specified/set in ser.cfg, although perhaps they go by other names. Anybody have any idea what it is complaining about?
The pieces that might help troubleshoot this:
route[PSTN_FORWARD] { log(1, "Route PSTN_FORWARD\n"); # here you could decide wether this call needs a RTP relay or not
# Set where packets should be sent. If you don't do this here, # OPTIONS and other messages will be transmitted back to the # outside interface and processed all over again, and you eventually # get a Too Many Hops error on every OPTIONS message. # Code to make this point in multiple directions would be needed # to implement two-way origination.
rewritehost(""); #Send to Telica
xlog("L_ERR", "DDD method:<%rm> From URI:<%fu> From Tag:<%ft> Destination Set:<%ds> Request's R-URI:<%ru> To URI:<%tu> Received IP:<%Ri> Source IP:<%si> Sou rce Port:<%sp> Call ID:<%ci> Host's Hostname:<%Hn> Hosts Domainname:<%Hd> Hosts FQDN <%Hf> Hosts IP <%Hi>");
if (method == "BYE" || method == "CANCEL") { unforce_rtp_proxy(); } else if (method == "INVITE") {
...Customer-specific sanity checks here, pass or reject, no modifications...
# Force record routing if either party is behind NAT
$record_route_nated = true;
# if this is called from the failure route we need to open a new branch
if (isflagset(FLAG_FAILUREROUTE)) { append_branch(); }
# if this is an initial INVITE (without a To-tag) we might try another # (forwarding or voicemail) target after receiving an error
#Use_next_for_503_fixup# if (method=="INVITE" && @to.tag=="") { if (method=="INVITE") { xlog("L_ERR", "route[PSTN] arm FAILURE_ROUTE"); t_on_failure("FAILURE_ROUTE"); }
# send it out now; use stateful forwarding as it works reliably # even for UDP2TCP
if (!t_relay()) { sl_reply_error(); } drop; }
onreply_route["PSTN_REPLY"] { xlog("L_ERR","In onreply_route %rs %rr");
#xlog("L_ERR", "EEE method:<%rm> From URI:<%fu> From Tag:<%ft> Destination Set:<%ds> Request's R-URI:<%ru> To URI:<%tu> Received IP:<%Ri> Source IP:<%si> So urce Port:<%sp> Call ID:<%ci> Host's Hostname:<%Hn> Hosts Domainname:<%Hd> Hosts FQDN <%Hf> Hosts IP <%Hi>");
# Rewrite Contact in 200 OK if UAS is behind NAT
if (@cseq.method == "INVITE") { xlog("L_ERR","onreply_route[NAT_MANGLE] R1 %rs %rr"); } else { xlog("L_ERR","onreply_route[NAT_MANGLE] R2 %rs %rr"); }
# Apply RTP proxy if necessary, but only for INVITE transactions # and 183 or 2xx replies
if (@cseq.method != "INVITE") return;
if ((status =~ "(183)|2[0-9][0-9]") && search("^(Content-Type|c):.*application/sdp")) { # xlog("L_ERR","onreply_route[NAT_MANGLE] force rtp proxy %rs %rr K5");
# Fix outbound c= value to reflect what client can reach
route(OUTBOUND_RTP_FIXUP); # xlog("L_ERR","onreply_route[NAT_MANGLE] back from force_rtp_proxy %rs %rr K6"); } return; }
failure_route[FAILURE_ROUTE] { log(1, "Route ROUTE FAILURE\n"); if (t_check_status("503")) { t_reply("503", "Keeping 503 because I don't like the rfc"); log(1, "DID 503 FIX\n"); return; }
# mark for the other routes that we are operating from here on from a # failure route
# if we received a busy and a busy target is set, forward it there # Note: again the forwarding target has to be a routeable URI
if (t_check_status("486|600")) { if ($tu.fwd_busy_target) { route(FORWARD); } # alternatively you could forward the request to SEMS/voicemail here
} else if (t_check_status("408|480")) {
# if we received no answer and the noanswer target is set, # forward it there # Note: again the target has to be a routeable URI
if ($tu.fwd_noanswer_target) { route(FORWARD); }
# alternatively you could forward the request to SEMS/voicemail here
} }
Debugging log messages:
Oct 21 02:37:47 ser1 ser[19224]: Route PSTN_FORWARD Oct 21 02:37:47 ser1 ser[19224]: DDD method:<INVITE> From URI:sip:9999999999@ From Tag:<as5e682242> Destination Set:<Contact: sip:6666666666@> Request's R-URI:sip:6666666666@ To URI:sip:6666666666@ Received IP:<> Source IP:<> Source Port:<5060> Call ID:5624efc06bde6e38543ebd53687a5b2b@ Host's Hostname:<ser1> Hosts Domainname:<> Hosts FQDN <> Hosts IP <> Oct 21 02:37:47 ser1 ser[19224]: route[PSTN] arm FAILURE_ROUTE Oct 21 02:37:47 ser1 ser[19225]: In onreply_route 100 Trying Oct 21 02:37:47 ser1 ser[19225]: onreply_route[NAT_MANGLE] R1 100 Trying Oct 21 02:37:47 ser1 ser[19225]: In onreply_route 503 Service Unavailable Oct 21 02:37:47 ser1 ser[19225]: onreply_route[NAT_MANGLE] R1 503 Service Unavailable Oct 21 02:37:47 ser1 ser[19225]: Route ROUTE FAILURE Oct 21 02:37:47 ser1 ser[19225]: DID 503 FIX Oct 21 02:37:47 ser1 ser[19225]: WARNING: -_set_fr_timer- already added: 0x802527400 , tl=0x802527418!!! Oct 21 02:37:47 ser1 ser[19225]: BUG: set_final_timer: start retr failed for 0x802527400 Oct 21 02:37:47 ser1 ser[19224]: MAIN ROUTE WITH method:<ACK> From URI:sip:9999999999@ From Tag:<as5e682242> Destination Set:<<null>> Request's R-URI:sip:6666666666@ To URI:sip:6666666666@ Received IP:<> Source IP:<> Source Port:<5060> Call ID:5624efc06bde6e38543ebd53687a5b2b@ Host's Hostname:<ser1> Hosts Domainname:<> Hosts FQDN <> Hosts IP <> ...
Thanks in advance for any sage advice on what is going on here.