At 18:48 17/07/2007, Atle Samuelsen wrote:
But if a CANCEL is not forwarded to its target that is not nice (allthough the UAC would have to send a BYE anyway if it would receive a late 200 for this INVITE, and a non-200 reply would result in retrnasmissions - see above).
how likely it is that a phone being rung up is suddenly re-registered at a different location?
Ive seen this a few times infact. I've seen this happen when a useragent got a new IP due to the router infront of it was rebooting every 60 second.. The call was haveing some "hickups" as the customer called it.. every 1 min the call droped for 5 seconds.. then came up again..
That sounds very realistic, still in this case I think I would be fixing the rapidly changing IP address because that's the root problem. Established calls would not work very well with it either and certainly many other things break.