Daniel-Constantin Mierla writes:
Better change the Makefile.defs and set MEMDBG=1 inside it.
ok, i added this to my debian/rules:
# Turn on memory debuging sed -i -e 's/MEMDBG ?= 0/MEMDBG ?= 1/' Makefile.defs
after build, i checked in source dir that the change took effect:
/usr/src/trunk-src/openxg-sip-proxy$ egrep MEMDBG Makefile.defs MEMDBG ?= 1 ifeq ($(MEMDBG), 1)
now also -I shows DBG_QM_MALLOC flag:
/usr/src/trunk-src/openxg-sip-proxy$ ./sip-proxy -I Print out of sip-proxy internals Version: sip-proxy 3.4.0-dev4 (x86_64/linux) Default config: /etc/sip-proxy/sip-proxy.cfg Default paths to modules: /usr/lib/sip-proxy/modules:/usr/lib/sip-proxy/modules_s:/usr/lib/sip-proxy/modules_k Compile flags: STATS: Off, USE_TCP, USE_TLS, USE_SCTP, TLS_HOOKS, USE_RAW_SOCKS, USE_STUN, DISABLE_NAGLE, USE_MCAST, DNS_IP_HACK, SHM_MEM, SHM_MMAP, PKG_MALLOC, DBG_QM_MALLOC, USE_FUTEX, FAST_LOCK-ADAPTIVE_WAIT, USE_DNS_CACHE, USE_DNS_FAILOVER, USE_NAPTR, USE_DST_BLACKLIST, HAVE_RESOLV_RES
still, when i stop sip-proxy at debug level 2, i only get the WARNINGs:
Oct 2 17:51:12 siika /usr/sbin/sip-proxy[30707]: WARNING: <core> [mem/q_malloc.c:441]: WARNING:qm_free: free(0) called
and at debug level 3 i don't get any WARNINGs. does debug level 3 replace WARNINGs with DEBUG messages instead of adding DEBUG messages on top of WARNINGs?
-- juha