Am 15.04.2010 13:05, schrieb Espen Berg:
That's strange. You shouldn't allow requests with totag but without loose-routing. But that's not related to your problem.
Could that cause some problems for me? If it has totag and have a route it should exit, else it should check if the current request is associated to a request, if ok it should relay else exit.
How would you have written it?
I prefer this logic:
... if (loose_route()) { if (!has_totag()) { xlog("L_WARN","$ci loose_route request without to-tag, 403...\n"); sl_send_reply("403", "out-of-dialog loose_route not allowed"); exit; } ... loose..route..processing ... NAT traversal...rtpproxy.... t_relay(); } ... initial call setup ... ...
IMO the config is a bit strange but I couldn't spot an error.
I'd really hoped for an error here. :\
Trace the scenario with ngrep and take a look at the SDPs if they are rewritten properly.
I'm not able to spot any errors, the only error I'm able to see is that it seems to work one way.
If A sends a fax to B
This works with T.38: asterisk A <-> sipprovider <-> our trunk <-> kamailio/rtpp <-> asterisk <-> asterisk B (our asterisk)
This fails with T.38, but works with G.711: asterisk B -> asterisk -> kamailio/rtpp -> our trunk -> asterisk -> asterisk A
Could also be an Asterisk (A: with, B: or FFA bug. But if I try to send the FAX directly via SIP from A <-> B without the proxy everything works OK, so therefore I believe the problem are related to my kamailio configuration.
Post the ngrep dump of the 2 different processes.
Furter use "ngrep udp" on the Kamailio/rtpproxy server to verify RTP/UDPTL packet flows.
regards klaus
Appreciate all the help I can get.
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