On 27/10/15 23:44, Bruno Salzano wrote:
Hello Daniel,
Il 27/10/15 11:41, Daniel Tryba ha scritto:
On Tuesday 27 October 2015 07:36:15 Bruno Salzano wrote:
It seems that when i route the call outbound, i get a 407. So i would like to react to this using uac_auth() as described here: http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/4.3.x/modules/uac.html#uac.f.uac_auth()
Is this the right way? Can someone help me, giving hints and some working example?
Based on the info you have given I'd say this is correct. The working code is in the URL you provide. Adding a specific failure route in the FROMASTERISK when ds_is_from_list matches to the uac_auth() function is the way to go.
I got it working. It required me to enable the track_cseq_updates in dialog module and use uac_auth(). Actually my config is the following:
route[FROMASTERISK] { if (ds_is_from_list()) { xlog("L_INFO","[$fU@$si:$sp]{$rm} {$ru} Call from Media-Server Cluster\n"); rtpengine_manage("direction=internal direction=external replace-origin replace-session-connection trust-address"); uac_replace_from("", "sip:NUMBER@HOST"); route(RELAY); exit; } }
failure_route[TRUNKAUTH] { xlog("L_INFO","TRUNKAUTH FAILURE ROUTE"); if (t_is_canceled()) { exit; } if(t_check_status("401|407")) { xlog("L_INFO", "Got 401/407 sending uac_auth() and t_relay()"); $avp(auser) = "USERNAME"; $avp(apass) = "SECRET"; $avp(arealm) = "REALM"; uac_auth(); t_relay(); exit; } }
Now I've just last question on this topic: what's the best way to replace credentials (USERNAME, SECRET, REALM) from db? I've to manage also the uac_replace_from. What I want is to avoid to change the configuration everytime a new trunk is added.
You can use sqlops to load values from a database table. Or htable, which has the benefit of storing it in memory at runtime, but you can still issue reload commands when new values are set.
Cheers, Daniel