So you have to configure each user if he is allowed to use rtpproxy or not? And what is if the user is mobile - some times behind NAT, some times not?
regards, Klaus
Andres wrote:
Dinesh wrote:
For a REGISTER will the below be true if the UA that is registering has a 5 in the 4th digit
ie 1115999 true 1114999 false
if (uri=~"[0-9][0-9][0-9]5") I saw some where in the docs that "User name is optional (it is for example never included in REGISTER requests)"
Thanks, Dinesh
Serusers mailing list
So I take you are simply trying to centrally manage whether a user is to be foced through the RTPProxy or not. Seems your are trying to do this with a numbering scheme which is quite cumbersom. We are testing a more flexible approach based on acl groups. We simply defined a new acl group called "rtp_proxy". On a request like REGISTER or INVITE, Ser will check if either the "From" or "To" usernames belong to the group and apply the RTPProxy. Something like:
# Check if caller is on the rtp_proxy group if (is_user_in("From", "rtp_proxy")) { setflag(2); force_rport(); fix_nated_contact(); exec_msg("echo `date` - Caller is in rtp_proxy group -
From: $SIP_HF_FROM To: $SIP_HF_TO Contact: $SIP_HF_CONTACT >> /var/log/ser/rtp_proxy.log"); };
# Check if called user is on the rtp_proxy group if ((is_user_in("To", "rtp_proxy")) & !(isflagset(2)) { setflag(2); force_rport(); fix_nated_contact(); exec_msg("echo `date` - Called User is in rtp_proxy group
- From: $SIP_HF_FROM To: $SIP_HF_TO Contact: $SIP_HF_CONTACT >>
/var/log/ser/rtp_proxy.log"); }; . . . if (method=="INVITE") { if (isflagset(2)) { # rtp_proxy group ? force_rtp_proxy();
}; # /* set up reply processing */ t_on_reply("1"); };