Class 4 in traditional telco was all about carrying your traffic over long distance, hence it was called tandem, they were used to interconnect trunks, class 5, well was for termination of calls locally, usually a class for would handoff to a class 5, or class 4 would be built into class 5.
If you relate that to voip, ur class 4 will be the gateways, which interconnect traffic and do little else, except route high volumes, and your class 5 will really be the pstn to IP conversion endpoint.
But in IP these boundaries are getting muddier, because with more and more smaller endpoints who needs to worry about the trunking parts, so alot of the features of class 4 are being dumped into class 5,
I would decide what you need it 4, and see if it does it, rather than using terms like class4 class4, its like using layer2, layer3 swicthes, some logic but really just marketing.
PS Telecoms and me arent the best of friends, so the above might be a oversimplification Manoj Ghag wrote:
hi, All Good morning
Can anybody tell me what is a exact difference between Class4 and Class5 softswitch ? Because many people or company have there own defination
Regards --Manoj
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