On 14-06-2005 22:47, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
indeed, time (and to be more specific, allocated time
for the public
SER) was an important factor for deciding to start OpenSER. Also another
factor was how to deal with new contributions and how to *help* them to
get into the main stream. Placing them in a separate directory I think
will not help too much - see the history of the snmp module.
The history of SNMP module is simple -- it was a summer project of a
FOKUS intern. The summer ended, the guy left FOKUS and noone was
willing to maintain the module anymore. This has nothing to do with
scarce resources -- there simply was no interest in that module.
If placing new contributions into a separate directory will not help
then placing them in another CVS repository where you have to apply
for another username and password and the version of ser that you will
be working with will be heavily modified will not help for sure. It
would be more hard to integrated such contributions to the official