I am still experiencing two problem with siptrace modul:
1. If i set
modparam("siptrace", "trace_sl_acks", 1)
Then kamailio is crashing. Please see this log:
Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24744]: DEBUG: tm [t_hooks.c:374]: DBG: trans=0xb2a719f4, callback type 1, id 0 entered Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24744]: DEBUG: tm [t_funcs.c:351]: SER: new INVITE Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24744]: DEBUG: <core> [msg_translator.c:207]: check_via_address(,, 0) Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24744]: DEBUG: <core> [mem/shm_mem.c:105]: WARNING:vqm_resize: resize(0) called Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24744]: DEBUG: tm [t_hooks.c:288]: DBG: trans=0xb2a719f4, callback type 2097152, id 0 entered Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24744]: DEBUG: siptrace [siptrace.c:530]: storing info... Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24745]: DEBUG: <core> [parser/parse_to.c:803]: end of header reached, state=29 Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24745]: DEBUG: <core> [parser/msg_parser.c:185]: DEBUG: get_hdr_field: <To> [70]; uri=[sip:9999@mgc.vvc.niif.hu] Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24745]: DEBUG: <core> [parser/msg_parser.c:187]: DEBUG: to body [sip:9999@mgc.vvc.niif.hu] Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24745]: DEBUG: sl [sl_funcs.c:326]: SL local ACK found -> dropping it! Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24764]: : <core> [pass_fd.c:293]: ERROR: receive_fd: EOF on 15 Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24764]: DEBUG: <core> [tcp_main.c:3551]: DBG: handle_ser_child: dead child 2, pid 24745 (shutting down?) Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24764]: DEBUG: <core> [io_wait.h:617]: DBG: io_watch_del (0x82491c0, 15, -1, 0x0) fd_no=24 called Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24744]: DEBUG: siptrace [siptrace.c:548]: storing info... Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24416]: ALERT: <core> [main.c:741]: child process 24745 exited by a signal 11 Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24416]: ALERT: <core> [main.c:744]: core was not generated Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24416]: INFO: <core> [main.c:756]: INFO: terminating due to SIGCHLD Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24760]: INFO: <core> [main.c:807]: INFO: signal 15 received Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24749]: INFO: <core> [main.c:807]: INFO: signal 15 received Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24748]: INFO: <core> [main.c:807]: INFO: signal 15 received Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24752]: INFO: <core> [main.c:807]: INFO: signal 15 received Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24751]: INFO: <core> [main.c:807]: INFO: signal 15 received Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24750]: INFO: <core> [main.c:807]: INFO: signal 15 received Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24759]: INFO: <core> [main.c:807]: INFO: signal 15 received Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24756]: INFO: <core> [main.c:807]: INFO: signal 15 received Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24762]: INFO: <core> [main.c:807]: INFO: signal 15 received Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24761]: INFO: <core> [main.c:807]: INFO: signal 15 received Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24763]: INFO: <core> [main.c:807]: INFO: signal 15 received Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24744]: INFO: <core> [main.c:807]: INFO: signal 15 received Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24764]: INFO: <core> [main.c:807]: INFO: signal 15 received Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24753]: INFO: <core> [main.c:807]: INFO: signal 15 received Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24746]: INFO: <core> [main.c:807]: INFO: signal 15 received Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24747]: INFO: <core> [main.c:807]: INFO: signal 15 received Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24416]: DEBUG: presence_xml [presence_xml.c:329]: start Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24416]: DEBUG: <core> [db_pool.c:102]: removing connection from the pool Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24416]: DEBUG: tm [t_funcs.c:122]: DEBUG: tm_shutdown : start Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24416]: DEBUG: tm [t_funcs.c:125]: DEBUG: tm_shutdown : emptying hash table Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24416]: DEBUG: tm [t_funcs.c:127]: DEBUG: tm_shutdown : removing semaphores Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24416]: DEBUG: tm [t_funcs.c:129]: DEBUG: tm_shutdown : destroying tmcb lists Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24416]: DEBUG: tm [t_funcs.c:132]: DEBUG: tm_shutdown : done Oct 13 07:25:39 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24416]: DEBUG: tls [tls_init.c:657]: tls module final tls destroy Oct 13 07:25:40 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24416]: DEBUG: <core> [mem/shm_mem.c:236]: shm_mem_destroy Oct 13 07:25:40 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24416]: DEBUG: <core> [mem/shm_mem.c:239]: destroying the shared memory lock Oct 13 07:25:40 hal /usr/sbin/kamailio[24416]: DEBUG: <core> [main.c:760]: terminating due to SIGCHLD
2. Every transaction is duplicated in database *************************** 16. row *************************** id: 5802 time_stamp: 2010-10-13 07:37:41 callid: iopigdkukalnese@alma.ki.iif.hu traced_user: msg: SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK2a5a.9059e944.0,SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKyfuozdvf From: "misi" sip:misi@vvc.niif.hu;tag=lwuen To: sip:9999@mgc.vvc.niif.hu;tag=mgc_1755674323-3222852 Call-ID: iopigdkukalnese@alma.ki.iif.hu CSeq: 453 BYE Contact: sip:;transport=tcp;isfocus Allow: REGISTER,INFO,MESSAGE,SUBSCRIBE,NOTIFY,UPDATE,REFER,INVITE,ACK,OPTIONS,CANCEL,BYE Content-Length: 0
method: BYE status: 200 fromip: tcp: toip: tcp: fromtag: lwuen direction: in *************************** 17. row *************************** id: 5803 time_stamp: 2010-10-13 07:37:41 callid: iopigdkukalnese@alma.ki.iif.hu traced_user: msg: SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKyfuozdvf From: "misi" sip:misi@vvc.niif.hu;tag=lwuen To: sip:9999@mgc.vvc.niif.hu;tag=mgc_1755674323-3222852 Call-ID: iopigdkukalnese@alma.ki.iif.hu CSeq: 453 BYE Contact: sip:;transport=tcp;isfocus Allow: REGISTER,INFO,MESSAGE,SUBSCRIBE,NOTIFY,UPDATE,REFER,INVITE,ACK,OPTIONS,CANCEL,BYE Content-Length: 0
method: BYE status: 200 fromip: tcp: toip: udp: fromtag: lwuen direction: out
Can you please help me?
Many Thanks, Misi
2010-10-11 20:27 keltezéssel, Daniel-Constantin Mierla írta:
On 10/11/10 8:20 PM, MÉSZÁROS Mihály wrote:
2010-10-11 17:56 keltezéssel, Daniel-Constantin Mierla írta:
On 10/11/10 4:18 PM, MÉSZÁROS Mihály wrote:
is there any other error message before this one. Siptrace module prints its own messages in error cases.
The only error return without message was related to trace flag that looks ok. I added a log message for it. Also, I discovered an issue in binding to sl module API, but the symptoms should have been different.
Please pull last 3.1 branch and try again. Let me know if it still fails to load. I tested and starts ok.
Many thanks Daniel!
I followed your instructions, so it is working now. (compiled from latest 3.1 git head)
Could you please update the debian repository too correct this issue?
deb http://deb.kamailio.org/kamailio31 lenny main
Thanks for testing.
Jon Bonilla is working to update the nightly deb building system for 3.1 as well, should be available soon.
You can build debian locally, I do it with:
make FLAVOUR=kamailio modules_dirs="modules modules_k" deb
But you need to install all dependencies or remove those packages you don't need from deb control files.
Cheers, Daniel